The Book
The MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) in Cambridge, UK is a powerhouse of science, with a tally of 12 Nobel prizes to prove it. Histories of the lab have revolved predominantly around the men who have worked there, but what about their female counterparts? From its foundation some 60 years ago, right up to the present day, woman scientists trained at the LMB have produced outstanding work, and many have gone on to stellar careers at the world’s foremost scientific institutions.
This book showcases the scientific achievements of some of these pioneers, describing the work they have done within the context of their lives outside the lab. Their stories demonstrate how these two competing priorities can be combined into a successful whole.
The Author
Kathleen Weston was a PhD student with Bart Barrell at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology from 1983 to 1986. After postdoctoral work with Michael Neuberger at the LMB and J Michael Bishop at the University of California, San Francisco, she set up her own lab at the Institute of Cancer Research, London.
In 2009, she quit active research to become a science writer. She has previously published Blue Skies and Bench Space, a history of the Cancer Research UK London Research Institute, and Engineering Nature’s Medicines: David Hopwood and the Streptomyces Revolution.

Ahead of the Curve is available as an ebook (minimum suggested contribution of £10) or in hard copy (minimum suggested contribution of £25 + postage). Postage cost per book is:
UK: £4.00
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Rest of the World: £21.00
All proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the Max Perutz Fund charity for the promotion and advancement of education and research in molecular biology and allied biomedical sciences.
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